1/30 Reflection

Posted on January 30th, 2009 in Uncategorized by lpate

Today in our group, we all went around and talked about what each person is doing for their visual narrative. It seems that each person in my group is pretty much doing the same thing. They are atleast going along the same idea of a collage. I think that each persons really sounds good too. I talked to Brittany about citing. I was wondering about citing a magazine picture. She also told us that if we are using clip art from microsoft word then we are ok not to cite them. I also found out that we can take pictures on our own of ourselves or of different items we do not have to cite those either because they are of us. I feel a little behind and a little stressed because of being gone for a week but I think I should be ok. I think I can get this done and make a good product as well. I will just continue to work with Brittany via email and hope that I know what I am talking about. No one really had too many comments for me because I haven’t been here and I really didn’t have a detailed outline of exactly everything that I am doing; however, I was able to give a pretty good idea to them. I think I am on the right track though. It seems that their repsonses to my idea were all pretty positive which always good! Hopefully I can go through this project with very little frustrations!

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