Archive for August, 2009

Lauren Broshious: This I Believe 08/31/09

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

Some things that I noticed that the essays shared in common are they all overcame obstacles, and that those obstacles changed them as people. They became inspired and different through the experiences that they went through. Jackie Robinson, despite some racism, turned out to be a great baseball player. Hellen Keller was courageous and acomplished many things although she was blind and deaf. Isabel Allende loved her daughter very much, and when her daughter passes, she was heart broken. But she continued her daughter’s legacy by helping those around her.

The essays that were written for This I Believe all have things in common when it comes down to it, they are peoples’ philosophies on life. Whether young or old, the people that write these essays are very passionate in what they believe in. The goals of This I Believe are very important. It spreads knowledge, and ideas to all who read it. The stories are inspirational and motivational. Negativity is not accepted. The people who share their thoughts seem to be happy to do so. It doesn’t take too many words to write a This I Believe essay, but it has to capture something that you feel very strongly about and would like to share with others.

Hello world!

Friday, August 28th, 2009

Welcome to by COBL. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

08/28 Audience Activity

Friday, August 28th, 2009

Writing is important because it leads to many paths. From writing a letter to family or friends, to writing a novel, there is so much you can do with writing. It can help you in a creative sense or something mandatory or that you should do to help you succeed in life.

Writing is important because it lets people express themselves. It can bring back memories, for example writing about a vacation. It can also help to get a point across or advertise, like if you were writing to a hiring manager about why you should get a job.

Writing is important because it is one of the basic things in life that you just need to know how to do. Writing is everywhere. You will use it in school and continue to use it throughout your life. It can lead from anything from a story to an important paper.

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