Clothing store

Our group is creating a clothing story in Second Life. The first few days I wondered around looking for different freebie items for our store, like chairs, signs, and other things we can put in the store. I also went around to freebie clothing stores to pick up clothes that I planned on reselling in our store. I found out that we couldn’t do that, but I went online to search for how to make clothing in SL. I found a tutorial and a template to make clothing on. I used the template in Photoshop and changed the colors and added images to the clothes. I made some BGSU t-shirts and found out how to make clothing out of different fabrics by taking photos of real clothing and using the photos as textures for my SL clothes. Radhika also gave me some linden dollars so I can upload my clothing and sell it in our store. Natalie also, built us a store in SL that looks really cool. I think our group is starting to get a hang of how to make original artifacts and products in SL.

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