Chapter 4 reaction

Chapter four is all about places, this includes places in virtual worlds and the physical world. One thing I found very interesting was this passage about a flashy neon night club moving into what the author called a romantic place in Second Life. The regulars to these place in Second Life were outraged that a big, ugly building that did not fit the mood and atmosphere of the place had moved in. A resident named Samuel was especially upset, saying to the owner of the new unpopular nightspot, “You just barged in here with this flashing monster, ruining the view, they don’t like this flashing crap, it’s really hard on the eyes.” After reading this dialog between Samuel and Zazzy and reading about a protest held in Second Life over the construction of this flashy club, I realized people take their environments and creations very seriously in this in Second Life. Just as people would protest in real life if a loud disturbing night club was built close to a suburban subdivision, the same goes for in Second Life.  This shows people in Second Life treat their second lives with just as much importance or with more importance than their real ones.

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