Reaction to Sept. 5 Class Discussion

The consensus of the class thought second life was “creepy” and for people with nothing better to do. I think the second life audience is probably more non-traditional, I never personally met anyone who is on second life. Radhika mentioned in class that a lot of people in second life are researchers and teenagers and I think that sounds accurate. I can’t imagine too many grown adults have time for this unless it is part of research they are conducting.

The use of real money in second life is what I’m most fascinated about. Everything in second life created and sold by its users, which makes second life unique to the world of “computer games”. While I don’t think second life is a game, it does seem like our class does and it certainly seems to appeal to the same audience as video gamers. The way real money is used gives power to the users to invest in second life in different business ventures and real estate.

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