Archive for September, 2008

Second Life exploration on 9/10

Friday, September 12th, 2008

In class we explored shopping and making money in Second Life. I searched for freebie stores and bought a lot of free clothing but didn’t find many other things that were free.  At one of the stores there were a whole bunch of people there who I began talking to. My avatar was wearing a […]

Chapter 2 reaction

Thursday, September 11th, 2008

In this chapter the author discusses the history of virtual worlds, going as far back to Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” to novels and early video games.  The term “virtual” has recently been associated with emerging technology and the computer age. However, as the author states the term is used to describe something that maybe […]

Reaction to Sept. 5 Class Discussion

Monday, September 8th, 2008

The consensus of the class thought second life was “creepy” and for people with nothing better to do. I think the second life audience is probably more non-traditional, I never personally met anyone who is on second life. Radhika mentioned in class that a lot of people in second life are researchers and teenagers and […]

Chapter 2 comment for tjgeor

Saturday, September 6th, 2008 I haven’t read Chapter yet but it seems to talk about the difference and overlap of virtual and real worlds. I thought Teddy’s remark on how books help create virtual worlds in a reader’s imagination was interesting.

Coming of Age in Second Life: Chapter 1

Friday, September 5th, 2008

Main points Second Life groups can be studied anthropologically just like  any  other group in real life because new users learn from the natives around them in the virtual world. The bleed through between ‘real life’ and ‘secpnd life’. People in ‘second life’ use real money and some have real jobs in the ‘virtual world’. […]

First Impressions of Second Life

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008

When I first entered Second Life I was not really sure what to do. At first, someone came up to me speaking Spanish and asking me questions and I quickly realized that this was a global world I was interacting with. I wonderedaround the first stage, trying out what all the different buttons do. I […]