Class Reflection 1/21/09

The last class had one thing that stood really stood out to me. When we all gave our opinion on the different ethics and rules we should have in the class was a very interesting concept. By letting the class decide what is right gives them input in what we need to do and it also helps us to work together on a common belief  that we all will follow to achieve peace and respect in the class. I feel that every course should work more with the students in the class to see what the feel is right and how they feel they should act in the class.

One thought on “Class Reflection 1/21/09

  1. cmackay
    8:04 pm - 1-26-2009

    I feel that this is a great interpretation of our last IPC 205 class. Your thoughts about the ethics of the class seemed to be very insightful and well-noted. Keep up the good work.

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