kmayorn’s blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

Final Post

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 9:06 am on Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Focus your final reflection on the following aspects: An overall reflection of what you learned about interviewing. If you feel that there are certain areas you need to improve in terms of interviewing skills (either as an interviewer or as an interviewee), you can mention that too: Looking back on everything I have learned throughout […]

week 15

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 7:30 pm on Thursday, April 23, 2009

Counceling interviews are much different than many of the other interviews we have learned about.  You have to be much more empathetic and sympathetic.  You also must have extremely good listening skills to be able to really listen and udnerstand what the interviewee is telling you.  You do not want to probe them or use […]

week of 4/14 & 4/16

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 9:50 am on Friday, April 17, 2009

The persuassive interview is much more difficult than others we have learned about.  We must be able to use all the knowledge we can to get someone to do something.  We have to make something be appealing and worth while or else no one will be persuaded no matter what you say.  With that in […]

week of april 7 & 9

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 9:54 am on Friday, April 10, 2009

The appraisal interview article is what I believe was the most helpful in learning about these types of interviews.  It gave us a lot of useful information about being completely prepared and confident going into a job interview.  The most crucial part is the first 20-30 seconds apparently, that makes me very nervous when the […]

week 12

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 9:44 am on Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The workshop was definitely a good thing to attend because if we didn’t, we would have no idea how to create our dvds when the time comes.  I think the instructors did a good job of walking us through step by step, while we actually did exactly what she was doing so we were not […]

week 11

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 9:52 am on Friday, March 27, 2009

Learning about the employment interviews was one of the more recent things we’ve learned about that is very useful.  It taught us the do’s and dont’s about being both the interviewer and interviewee when either recruiting for jobs or trying to get the job.  Being a student, I need to have a job.  Sometimes it […]

week 10

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 2:58 pm on Thursday, March 19, 2009

Survey interviews are completely different from other interviews.  Some survey interviews are not done face to face like others.  Instead, you could recieve them in the mail, online or through e-mail, and do those on your own time.  No one is sitting there while you complete it to make you nervous or uncomfortable.  Survey interviews […]

week 8

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 9:44 am on Thursday, March 5, 2009

Watching our classmates interviews and listening to their critiques was very interesting.  A lot of the interviews when I watched them I wouldn’t have been able to pick out everything they said just from watching the interview once.  Since they critiqued it and watched it multiple times made it a lot easier for us to […]

week 6

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 6:18 pm on Thursday, February 19, 2009

This week we learned more about the interview process, specifically how to motivate our interviewees to respond and the advantages and disadvantages of recording and note taking.  I think that taking notes is a really good way to help document what your interviewee’s answers were and to be able to go back and refer to […]

week 5

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 2:28 pm on Sunday, February 15, 2009

Planning out your interview before you actaully begin, is usually a good idea to do.  There are a lot of things to think about before you interview someone.  You need to select the right person to do both the interviewing (if not yourself) as well as the right interviewee.  Probing interviews imparticular because there is […]

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