kmayorn’s blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

week 6

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 6:18 pm on Thursday, February 19, 2009

This week we learned more about the interview process, specifically how to motivate our interviewees to respond and the advantages and disadvantages of recording and note taking.  I think that taking notes is a really good way to help document what your interviewee’s answers were and to be able to go back and refer to those answers after the interview is over.  The only problem with taking notes is that it is very difficult to write as fast as the person is talking.  Therefore, you most likely will miss things that they’ve said or things they are saying that you can’t pay attention to because you are trying to write everything they’ve already said.  A better way to approach this, would be to bring a recorder.  After they’ve given you permission to record the interview, it is the most efficient and effective way to refer back to the interview after it has ended.  Another thing we learned is the different approaches to interviews; emotional, hostile, not willing to talk, and talkative.  I think the best for both the interviewer and interviewee would be a talkative interview.  It makes everyone more comfortable when you can conversate with each other.

8 thoughts on “week 6



    March 16, 2009 @ 10:53 pm   


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