kmayorn’s blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

week 15

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 7:30 pm on Thursday, April 23, 2009

Counceling interviews are much different than many of the other interviews we have learned about.  You have to be much more empathetic and sympathetic.  You also must have extremely good listening skills to be able to really listen and udnerstand what the interviewee is telling you.  You do not want to probe them or use close ended questions because it could make them feel pressured or uneasy.  You need to be very open also.  This will help me if I ever need to interview someone in the future who is having problems or wants advice.  Although you are not supposed to give straigh forward advice or make decisions for them, rather you should ask or make suggestions to them.  These are definitly good things to know if ever needed to conduct a counseling interview.

One thought on “week 15



    April 24, 2009 @ 9:00 pm   

    Good! probes like silent probes, nudging probes, mirror probes, reflective probes, etc can be used. However, one should know when to probe

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