kmayorn’s blog

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week of 4/14 & 4/16

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 9:50 am on Friday, April 17, 2009

The persuassive interview is much more difficult than others we have learned about.  We must be able to use all the knowledge we can to get someone to do something.  We have to make something be appealing and worth while or else no one will be persuaded no matter what you say.  With that in mind, these types of interview can be really helpful in persuading someone to work for you if you offer incentives or something of that sort.  You could also mention benefits the job may have.

4 thoughts on “week of 4/14 & 4/16



    April 24, 2009 @ 8:57 pm   

    How will the theories or concepts that we discussed in class help in the process of persuasion?



    April 27, 2009 @ 9:30 am   

    They will help because we learned the process we need to go through to conduct a persuassive interview. With that in the back of our mind, we are able to go through the interview more smoothly and the interviewee will not feel intimidated or nervous.



    May 4, 2009 @ 7:50 am   


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