kmayorn’s blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

week 8

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmayorn at 9:44 am on Thursday, March 5, 2009

Watching our classmates interviews and listening to their critiques was very interesting.  A lot of the interviews when I watched them I wouldn’t have been able to pick out everything they said just from watching the interview once.  Since they critiqued it and watched it multiple times made it a lot easier for us to comprehend and understand things better.  I really liked watching all the interviews, they were very entertaining as well as educational.  They helped us notice things about interviews that maybe we did not notice before.  Also, it allowed us to use our interview skills and helped us for furture assignments and interviews.

One thought on “week 8



    March 16, 2009 @ 10:52 pm   


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