klinn’s blog

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Filed under: Uncategorized — klinn at 10:21 am on Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A trend that interests me in global warming. A possible cause for this trend is the way us humans are living today. Examples such as driving cars more than needed, our landfills being overused because not enought people are recycling what needs to be recycled. I don’t believe any of these is the main cause because all equally contribute to the same trend.

One thought on “Trends


       Heather McIntyre

    October 8, 2009 @ 9:23 am   

    This is a very timely trend to consider, Kari. Right now you’re cause is a bit broad. What part of how we are living today do you think contributes the most to global warming. Is it the cars, landfill use, or something else? The more specific you are here, the more you will be able to demonstrate what the most major challenge facing us is.

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