klinn’s blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

Progress in GSW 1110

Filed under: Uncategorized — klinn at 7:36 pm on Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I truly belive  I have grown as a writer.  After reading my first essay I’ve realized that I am now able to have more complete thoughts and support those thoughts with solid resources.  I am able to oragnize my essays a lot better, and use better forms of grammar ect.

Final Narrative

Filed under: Uncategorized — klinn at 12:13 pm on Thursday, December 3, 2009

I  just, overall, think I’ve become a stronger writer all together.  I know some things aren’t fully there yet, but those are the things that have already gotten better since the first week of school.  Evaluators will be able to notice these changes just from the value of my work.  My detailed support has gotten […]

Unclear/Vague in Essay 5

Filed under: Uncategorized — klinn at 12:09 pm on Thursday, December 3, 2009

I can see myself being vague in the paragraph where I’m talking about the plot.  I’m not entirely sure how to support my plot paragraph. I intend to just continue brainstorming, and working with the paragraph.

Essay 5 Frustration

Filed under: Uncategorized — klinn at 12:08 pm on Thursday, December 3, 2009

What’s most frustrating about essay 5 is not really knowing how to write it.  I really didn’t know how to get started so it was difficult to write. Because I didn’t know how to start it, I found it hard to be able to actually write the paper.

Children’s Book

Filed under: Uncategorized — klinn at 11:46 am on Thursday, December 3, 2009

I really enjoy the story my book has, and the size and color of the pictures.  It really seems like a high quality book, and I think it should win the Newberry Award.

Easier Writing

Filed under: Uncategorized — klinn at 11:45 am on Thursday, December 3, 2009

I believe writing essay 4 was much easier because I have a stronger grip on the writing process.  I am able to provide more supporting details, and my mechanics are becoming much better.

Smooth Transitions

Filed under: Uncategorized — klinn at 11:43 am on Thursday, December 3, 2009

I believe that I could user smoother transitions throughout my entire paper.  I don’t feel many of my paragrpahs flow well together.