Blogging for the future
Before this class I never thought about blogging and how it would promote myself and my views. I did not think that many people read blogs or were even interested in them. It blows my mind how blogs affect people getting jobs and meeting new people.
This class introduced me to the power of blogging. Getting your views and ideas out there for everyone to see is very important because it helps explain the type of person you are to future employers and it might even attract employers your way.
While I was on Facebook the other day I came across a post by a girl who went to my high school but was a few years older. Her post was about promoting her new blog. She is a public relations major and is interested in fashion, just like me.
I opened the link to her blog and skimmed through a few of them. She talked about different outfits you could make for different occasions, what colors work together, what to wear for a job, and so on. Her blog is interesting to read and would be very helpful for someone who does not know that much about fashion.
Reading her blog and seeing how many comments she receives inspired me. Fashion is a big part of my life and I was never sure how I wanted to combine my public relations major with it at first. I think for me, a blog is the first step. A blog will let me express my views about fashion while networking myself for future employers to see.
I was not sure if I would continue to blog after this class but after seeing how effective a blog can be in the real world, I definitely will continue. Once I finish this class I want to open my own fashion blog to express my creativity and views.
October 8, 2012 @ 6:31 pm
This is a great post! I realized as soon as we started this blog that it would be a great addition to any resume. Being a senior, and in the process of interviewing for a “big girl job”, I am coming to find that most potential employers are looking for writing samples. So not only is a blog great for networking, but also a great way to portfolio your writing samples. So as opposed to just printing out several writing samples, use your blog link with your resume!
October 8, 2012 @ 6:48 pm
I agree that the exposure to blogging in this class has been beneficial. Once you decide on a topic you are interested in talking about or even just a theme for your blog, it seems like it can be a really impressive piece to show employers what you do. You also get the chance to interact with the public and know what it feels like to be criticized or praised for your personal work. This could help you relate to a client or your company later if you work in PR, no matter what the subject matter is. Having a solid blog also shows you can handle the basics, like writing skills, web skills and maybe even some audience analysis.
Good luck with starting the fashion blog. Like you said, that’s smart too to promote your blog to friends on Facebook and any other social media markets you already have set up with your friends, followers or connections.