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9/18 Reader Response

I am choosing to write on the first prompt; plagiarizing detecting in schools.  I’m taking the side with the teacers who believes that this process is beneficial.  I chose this prompt and side because it is something that I believe needs to be eliminated from schools.  As a hard working student myself, I was always very frustrated in high school when someone who had only spent five minutes reading a book and finding certain points got the same grade on a test or paper as I did. And I always read the book and spent hours studying.  This made me feel like studying and what not really wasn’t worth it.  Where is the point when you can cheat and get the same grade?  This reason is why I am going to argue that it undermines what education is really about.  You are no longer working hard at school to receive top grades.  You are just reading for five minutes and forgetting it after the test.  You aren’t really learning anything in English classes anymore.  You really don’t need a teacher in class if you can just find the answers on-line.  And the students who actually work hard, are doing it all for nothing.  When you cheat in school you are getting nothing out of it for yourself.  It won’t help you in the long run.  I am also going to argue that cheating in high school will lead to other events down the road.  Because everything came so easy to you in the past, you will expect it to come that easily in the future.  You won’t understand or know how to properly work hard for something in your education.  It will make college a heck of a lot harder as well.
Possible thesis:  Plagiarizing undermines what education is really about and can have some very harmful affects on your future.

~ by kpaul on September 20, 2009 .

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