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Audience Activity 8/28

I believe writing is important in the general sense that if people couldn’t write, there would be no history, no records, and no leisure.  Writing makes up a big part of our world that I don’t think many people realize.  If we couldn’t write, how would we know that Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas in 1492?  If we couldn’t write, there would be no Bible.  If we couldn’t write, there would be no books in the world.  No books would leave a lot of people without imagination, a way to escape for a while, or knowledge.

I believe writing is important because it brings knowledge to the world.  Writings make us aware of other people’s and world’s political and personal views.  It also gives us history and perspective.  I think our world would be lost without history.  I also think writing opens up a whole world of creativity.  You can express yourself and your beliefs and knowledge when you write.

Writing is important because it helps you understand reading. If you can write, you can read.  And reading will make all sorts of knowledge available to you.  Writing also gives you a way to express your ideas.

~ by kpaul on August 28, 2009 .

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