Karie’s English 207 Blog

Welcome Introduction

Hi my name is Karie Mayornick, and I am a sophomore here at Bowling Green State University.  I am majoring in Interpersonal Communications with a minor in Marketing.  This portfolio is a showcase for the various assignments I have completed in English 207:  Exploring Multiple Literacies.  The focus of this class was in technology and how it has changed our literacy.  Throughout the different pages of my portfolio you will find a visual literacy poster, a literacy narrative, a Public Service Announcement Video, a rhetorical analysis of a PSA, a cover letter and resume, a Visual CV website of my resume, revisions, and reflections.  Outside of those things you will see the many blogs we have written and a little bit about me.  The goals of my portfolio are to demonstrate what I am capable of writing and creating, as well as to express the forms of literacy I use each and every day.


Throughout this semester, I believe the way I view my literacy has changed immensely.  I know realize how much technology really does affect my every day life and how I communicate with others.  Our very fist assignment, my visual literacy narrative, really opened up new doors for me.  I noticed exactly what is considered to be literacy and I learned that it is much more than just being able to read and write.  After this, we had to write a literacy narrative.  I chose to write about a specific time in my life when literacy became a true value to me.

Following these assignments, three other classmates and I created a public service announcement.  This helped us use our creativity to come up with a topic to create awareness for a specific audience.  We actually video taped ourselves and then generated our PSA video onto Youtube for others to view.  This demonstrated how we incorporate technology into our literacy and every day lives.  Leading into our next assignment, I did a rhetorical analysis of a fake PSA.  Although it was fake I still found a true and legitimate reasoning for its purpose in being created. 


Next, I found a job posting and made a cover letter and resume as if I were applying for this job.  It was a helpful assignment because in the near future I will need to use these skills to go out and apply for jobs for a career.  The job I applied for was a special events coordinator for a restaurant and catering company.  After graduation, this is something that I am very much interested in.

Last but not least, I created a Visual CV website of my resume.  It was placed on the internet so potential employers can find it when they are in need of new employees.  I displayed my strengths and skills that I am capable of using in the career I want to pursue.  I am hoping that if employers come across my Visual CV, that they will be interested in what I can bring to their company. 

With all of this said, I have included two revisions to better my literacy narrative and my cover letter and resume.  I revised these because they were my weakest areas of work and I am hoping that I changed them to my strongest.  The reflection page demonstrates what I did to improve these works of art and also why I chose to do what I did.  I welcome you and invite you to explore my portfolio and read and observe my writings and displays of literacy. 

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