Karie’s English 207 Blog


We can use visuals for many things.  If you are trying to explain something, visuals can be a good way to help others understand what you mean.  Also, visuals can help you understand better what you are reading yourself. 

Visuals can help others communicate with each other because they can help further explain your meaning.  I think visuals are very important in communications.  Using pictures or videos is only going to help you and give you examples of what you were trying to understand.

Visuals are an obvious importance to my education.  They are  used everyday in all my classes and even when I am not in class.  Almost all my textbooks  have visuals in them to help you underestand or show examples from the readings.  In my daily life visuals are everywhere.  If they weren’t life would be pretty boring.  When you use gestures to communicate, that could be considered visuals because you are using something other than words to help you communicate.  Also, in my future career visuals will be imperative because of what I want to do.  I want to be an event coordinator and to do so I will need to plan everything out and actually use visuals to see what my plans will look like in the end results.


texting, phone calls, email, facebook, instant messanger, reading, normal face to face converstation


I expect from  this class to learn how to write better.  It seems like there are a lot of papers to write and I honestly am not looking forward to it.  Literacy is being able to do the actual reading but also comprehend what you are reading and understand it.  I think we write to entertain and inform.  Also some people write for pleasure because it is something they enjoy doing.