Karie’s English 207 Blog


Since our PSA is about texting while intoxicated, this relates to literacy because texting is a form of literacy.  I know I don’t think I have gone 1 day without texting in a long time.  This shows that texting is an important thing in my life and part of my everyday literacy.  So if this is something that I do so often, doing it while being intoxicated is probably not the best idea.


Basically we have to still record the first half of the video and add the text in at the end.  Other than that its looking good and we should be able to get it finished by Wednesday.


Part I:

A computer is definitely an important tool to have in school for many reasons.  First, without a computer, writing papers would be terrible.  It would take forever to edit then rewrite it for final drafts, it would make it hard to read for those of us with poor penmenship, and the teachers would have to grade, all the however many pages long papers, by hand.  Second, without comptuers, projects like the one we are assigned right now, making a video would be really hard because computers are a great way to edit and add effects to it.  Thirdly, research projects would be harder for some, because they would have to use all forms of printed research rather than online databases.  Sometimes that could be better or easier, but its usually much faster finding research online.

Part II:  Neighbor

Computers are very important tools in school.  Think about writing all your papers by hand.  First of all, that would just suck.  Second of all, editing them by hand then having to rewrite them however many times until it was free of errors, would take way longer than it would editing it on a computer.  Also, if you don’t have good handwriting, that would make editing it and for our teachers’ sake, grading it, ten times harder.  Also, think about research projects.  We use online databases to find almost all of our info. these days.  It is easier to work from home as well as search until you find a good one.  One more thing would be, if you have to create and edit videos, computers are the easiest way to do that effectively.


appropriate use of text and music

homework 2/23

1.  message:  Eat bananas they are yellow

Audience:  people who think bananas are a useless fruit

medium:  video…for sure

2.  message:  Poach eggs not animals

audience:  poachers and  hunters

medium:  video

3.  message:  Don’t be a snail, use your email

audience: people who would rather send a letter or something that can be done faster through email.

medium:  radio…but video might be more fun

2/20 PSA Analysis Activity

how do the actors portray the  message: The girl who puts up the picture of herself really shows her emotion at the end and it is very effective.  Other than that, I think the other actors aren’t anything special.  I know they are trying to show what happens online that anyone can get it, but I feel like if that were a real situation people wouldn’t be taking down the picture and showing it to all their friends like that.  Other than that the main girl does a very good job of portraying the message.

persuasive techniques:  It really makes you think about pictures you may have online of yourself.  You have to think about who may come accross them at any given time. 

role of voiceover:  The woman who’s voice does the voiceover is a very convincing voice.  She says what needs to be said in a way that sinks into your mind, hoping that her message gets accross to people.

text usage:  The text at the end flashes a couple words, what I feel were the most important.  It really makes them more meaningful and powerful.


I find the crime and literacy stats the most interesting out of them all.  Having only an 8th grade education or less really suprised me.  Maybe that has something to do with why they are in jail in the first place.  Maybe they don’t have enough knowledge to make  better decisions with their lives and that is why they choose crime over other things. 

The health and literacy stats don’t really make sense to me.


Technology most likely plays a huge part in everyone’s life.  A lot of people watch t.v. in the morning to hear about the news or weather.  Also, almost everyone takes their cell phones with them when they leave the house.  ipods and mp3 players are another form of technology that you see a lot of people use throughout their day.  I’m sure almost everyone uses a computer or lap top at least once every day.  It’s a technological way of getting in contact with others or getting work done, or even just for something to do with your free time.  Techonolgy benefits others by making somethings easier to communicate with others or get a job done.  Potential threats of a cell phone, ipod, or computer could be that there are many malfunctions.  They could break or freeze up on you and it could ruin something you need or have been working on.  The role they have on literacy could be to communicate or to help better understand things.  Also, as forms of entertainment.


peer review

In the past, I have used peer review in English 112 and a little bit in Engligsh 111.  In 112, we had to do it for every paper we wrote.  We would get into groups of 4 or 5 and we had to read everyones and comment on them and everyone has to read ours.  I guess it helped because everyone got to give their input and it helped a little.  After the first couple times though everyone got bored of reading all the papers and just commented little things to get their points for the day.  In 111, we mostly just had the teacher review our paper and we would set up meetings with her.  This was even more helpful than our peers reading it because she gave a lot more advice and where we need to add things and where we need to omit things.  I personally don’t really like peer reviewing because I am not very good at constructive criticism.  I guess peer review can be good if we actaully take the time to read each others papers and actually try to comment and help them out.

Monster Blog

My monster’s name is Rory.  He has a red-orange belly and is really furry.  His hair is blue and the rest of his fur is greenish blue.  He’s more of a cute monster than a scary one…he’s like Simba when he tries to rawr really loud and be intimidating but its just a little scratchy growl.