Karie’s English 207 Blog


Resumes are a way of showing your potential employers what your accomplishments have been prior to this job you are going after.  They show the experience you have had and when you completed it, as well as, what forms and how high of education degrees you have.  Resumes should include, you name, address, phone number, past jobs,brief descriptions of your tasks at those jobs, your degrees you’ve accomplished, educational background, any special awards or ceritificates can be optional, bascially everything to market yourself for this job.  The goal is to market yourself at employers and make yourself look like the best candidate for the job.  You can write one anywhere I guess.  Word has a resume wizard, which I believe is the easiest way to create one.  You basically just fill in thte blanks and it tells you what to do.  I have created resumes in high school, it was required.  Also, in other English classes and IPC classes.

april fools day

uuhhhh……I think I did a pretty good job on my analysis.  I suppose my weaknesses would be my organization, because apparently mine wasn’t all that great, but I had people proof read mine and they didn’t seem confused at all.  So that made me confused.  My strengths were probably my examples and support for my reasonings because I felt like they made sense and proved my points.  Maybe if I chose a different PSA this assignment wouldn’t have been as difficult because I could have had more to work with.  Overall, I thought it was good though.


Revision is when you go back and basically make your paper better than it previously was.  It is  usually more than just editing for gramatical errors.  You usually have to add more support or examples to make what you are saying more relatable.  Also, if parts don’t make sense or need work, revising it is the way you get a second  chance to make it your best work.  Anyone can revise.  You can have a peer or teacher revise your paper with feedback before you revise it and then you do revisions as well and it your paper should end up being much better than the first time you thought it was complete.


After reading the comments from peer review, I feel like they helped somewhat.  Basically what I got out of it it that I need to use more information to support my thesis and add more to my intro.  I will use the revision advice because it will help my paper sound better and hopefully make more sense.

-add more support in the body paragraphs to help my thesis
-correct my in text citations
-edit my paper


After I actaully wrote my rough draft, I still feel like I didn’t write my rhetorical analysis how one should be written.  Since my PSA is more of a joke one, I felt like it was harder to analyze it and give examples.  Mine was also very short.  I think for what I chose, I did an allright job. I did find a serious message behind it about eating healthy, so I used that as well to add on to the sarcasm and humor part.   I just want to get others’ feedback to see what they think and what I need to do or if I totally did it incorrectly.


good thesis, well written, have a clear target audience, use of emotional appeals, use of examples, demonstrate a clear understanding of the message, enjoyable for the reader, credibility

Rhetorical Analysis PSA

This PSA has a lot of different ones.  The one I am using is called “Jellybeans” and starts at 1min 47secs:

I chose this PSA because I love The Office, also because it has a message about choosing the right jelly beans to eat.  Everyone knows the black ones really are the worst ones and do taste disgusting, even though some people might like them.  There could also be a  message in this about choosing the right foods to snack on.  John says, “after a well balanced meal or a well deserved snack after school.”  This is saying do not eat jelly beans all the time.  They are a treat and to eat them when deserved or for a special treat every now and then.


I believe that only one of the readings had an actaul  thesis.  The other one just stated the issues.  They both clearly state the issues and purposes of their analysis.  In the George Bush one, the author says specifically what he needs to say to explain to his audience what is going on and for them to be able to relate to it. 

An introduction for a rhtorical analysis should include:

the author of the original thing you are analyzing, a brief description of the issues, who your target audience is, what the arguements may be, use of ethos, pathos, logos


Unfortunately I didn’t get to go anywhere this year for break. The first weekend I was at OU then I went to OSU for a day too. Since I didn’t go anywhere, I went shopping and spent too much money as usual.  I could deffinately say that I’ve had better spring breaks or better breaks in general, but it was nice to be able to relax for once and sleep in.


The purpose of portfolios is to demonstrate our skills and abilities to write well.  In english 111 and 112 we could have passed every paper we wrote that our instructor graded, but we could fail the portfolio grading, therefore failing english.  To me that seems rediculous because if you passed it once, why shouldn’t you pass it again?  All the instructors should be grading by the same rubrics and from past experiences it seems that they do not.  However, I suppose portfolios do serve the purpose of showing off our skills that we have and can be expected of.