Karie’s English 207 Blog

Unit 2: Technology and Literacies

Public Service Announcement –

In this assignment we had to create a Public Service Announcement that created awareness or informed.  Myself, Olivia Dolch, Adam Kowalski, and Nick Cantrell made this project together.  This video we made demonstrates and makes aware the negative effects of texting while you are intoxicated. 



Rhetorical Analysis

The Public Service Announcement (PSA) that I chose to analyze was done by John Krasinski.  John is the actor who plays Jim Halpert in NBC’s, The Office.  He is making his audience aware that black jellybeans are the worst flavored jellybean and not to eat them.  I also went more in deapth about the humor, sarcasm and real message that was demonstrated in this PSA.


Assignment #4

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