Karie’s English 207 Blog

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Look at your job ad.  What seems important to the ad? Why is it important? How do you meet or how will you address those important issues?  
The qualifications are what seem to be the most important in this job ad because they use caps to emphasize and pay attention to detail.  I will demonstrate what I have done, what I can do, and what I will do to be the best candidate for this job. 

 Then, spend a few minutes on the company’s website and answer these questions:
What does the company do?
-This company is a group of restaurants located on the east and west coasts.  They have very high class menus, cater events, hold events at their many locations, and do weddings also. 

  • What are the desired qualifications and skills?
    -Need to be able to muli-task, very detailed oriented, excellent phone skills and communcation skills
  • What does the company seem to value?
    -Presence, quality, time
  • What are key words that are included on their website (or in their ad) that you should include?
    -Pay Very close attention to detail

One thought on “4/6

  1.    alyon says:


    Your job posting sounds like it is very detailed and specific. My only suggestion would be to make sure that you include the details in your resume. Having relevant job references will help too. Good luck!

    Posted April 8, 2009, 10:15 am #      

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