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Rhetorical Analysis PSA

This PSA has a lot of different ones.  The one I am using is called “Jellybeans” and starts at 1min 47secs:

I chose this PSA because I love The Office, also because it has a message about choosing the right jelly beans to eat.  Everyone knows the black ones really are the worst ones and do taste disgusting, even though some people might like them.  There could also be a  message in this about choosing the right foods to snack on.  John says, “after a well balanced meal or a well deserved snack after school.”  This is saying do not eat jelly beans all the time.  They are a treat and to eat them when deserved or for a special treat every now and then.

2 thoughts on “Rhetorical Analysis PSA

  1.    kmayorn says:

    “The Office Public Service Announcements (PSA).” 29 August, 2007. You Tube. Video. 18 March 2009 .

    Posted March 23, 2009, 9:51 am #      
  2.    bcottri says:

    Make sure that You Tube is underlined or italicized and that you include the URL in angle brackets with a period at the end. Otherwise this looks good.

    Posted March 23, 2009, 3:26 pm #      

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