Karie’s English 207 Blog

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homework for 4/22

1.  Is it ok that everything in all on the same main page?  Because originally I thought you said you wanted us to make it more “advaced” than that but when you click to add other things it just adds it to the bottom of the page.

2.  How do I make the other things be on separate pages if it even is possible?

3.  How do I get my objective to be at the top?

4.  Should I add ALL of my work experience or does it not matteR?

5.  I most likely should add things to my portfolio items side page column thing, but what sort of things to I put there?

One thought on “homework for 4/22

  1.    hamlist says:

    These peer review questions are very specific. This should help the reviewer as he/she looks through your project. They will also probably be able to give you better advice because you thought out specific questions that will benefit you. Sounds like you’re almost there on your assignment, good luck.

    Posted April 22, 2009, 10:03 am #      

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