Karie’s English 207 Blog

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Option 3 Focus:
1.  My resume will be a slightly modified version than the one I used in class simply because that one looks like I am applying for that 1 specific job I feel like. 

2.  I will re-present my resume as a Web Site because I feel like a power point or anything else would be the most boring thing ever.  No one is going to want to watch me present a video or audio clip of myself showing off the skills I have for potential jobs unless you are the employer.  I think a Web Site would deffinitly be a better way to present my resume.

3.  I will deffinitely include my skills that make me right for the job that I want to persue a career in because that is basically the point of resumes. I will include my communication abilities with others since that is my major and area of studies.  Also, my experieve I have had that will make me more applicable for a job in the event coordinating field.  All of these things are only going to help me get a job and look better to an employer rather than putting pointless jobs that will not help me in the career I want.

4.  I guess it depends what Web Site creator I use to create my page.  Therefore I cannot sketch out what I want it to look like because I do not know what features the site creator has that I will be using.

5.  This will represent exactly what I am capable of doing and what skills I can bring to this job.  If an employer were to come accross my page, I want them to read it thinkin that this person is someone I want working for me.

6.  What Web Site(s) to use to create my own?

7.  -Figure out how I am going to create the site.
-Actaully make it
-add color, text features, pictures maybe. etc.
-If there is a way to create my site than not actaully post it to the internet…I kind of would rather do that and just show it to you.  For some reason I feel like it is weird that ANYONE can find my resume on the internet.  I mean it has some perks being  up there that potential employers can see it and like what I can do, but I mean how many employers are really searching the web for new employees hoping to find a great resume?  I dont know I just am skeptic about it.

5 thoughts on “4/17

  1.    odolch says:

    I for one would love to watch a video of you, it would not be boring! Also, on that visual CV site, when you create it there is an option to make it completely private, and you actually have to invite people to view it, so that could be an option. I would for sure not include a pic/address/phone number/etc. I think the “digital resume” may become more and more popular, its lets you get creative!

    Good luck Karie! :):):):):)

    Posted April 17, 2009, 4:51 pm #      
  2.    bcottri says:


    I think you have a great idea and you’re smart for thinking about this about whether you really want to post this to the website. I’m glad Olivia mentioned that you can make things private on visual CV. I would ask that you invite me to view it but then you could delete the page after the class (make sure you wait until after grades have been submitted of course). You could also create a private page that you just share with select people on Google Sites (like Google Docs where you shared documents with me). You could also use Dreamweaver in the lab, create the page on there and save it as a file without uploading it anywhere and share it with me that way. In other words, yes, there are ways to make it more private.

    Overall i think this sounds great. Let me know if you have questions and do make sure you let me know the concerns you might have. For example, when you create your portfolio you can modify the resume that you attach (for the resume/cover letter/reflection activity) so that it doesn’t include some sensitive information).

    Posted April 18, 2009, 8:51 am #      

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