Karie’s English 207 Blog


Spend some time reflecting on the blogs throughout the semester.  Do you think they were a useful writing space? Would you like to use them in other classes in the future? Would you like to use them more personally? How have they helped you see writing differently?

Sometimes they were  useful, like when we used them for communication or to ask questions about something.  I did have to blog weekly for another class, and it wasn’t very effective at all.  I don’t know if it was just the blog promts we have or what but I just didn’t find them all that effective.  I don’t think I will use them personally because I just dislike blogging, nothing against this class for having to blog, I just don’t enjoy it.

4 thoughts on “4/24

  1.    kareemw says:

    I definitely agree that blogging isnt my favorite thing to do! But i also wrote something similar that the blogs were okay seeing as they helped in the class. I wouldnt want to blog for no reason therefore I dont blog outside of this class.

    Posted April 24, 2009, 9:39 am #      

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