Karie’s English 207 Blog

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1.  In my introduction I want to let the readers know what is in my porfolio and maybe explain or give a little preview of what to expect so they understand each of my projects. 

2.  I want my readers to first see my best project, because if they start off reading one that I do not like or don’t think I did well on, they probably won’t want to continue reading.

3.  I want them to have a title so they reader knows what they are about to read.  Maybe have an intro. so they know what to expect, but I want it to be easy to follow so just putting these things at the top of the page before the actaul project will be fine.

4.  I just want a basic introduction because I don’t have any videos or anything to introduce it and I don’t really want to make one.

2 thoughts on “Portfolio

  1.    lpate says:

    I think your layout for your portfolio sounds really good so far! It seems like you have a really good idea of how you want everything to look and how you are going to organize it. Good job 🙂

    Posted April 14, 2009, 2:34 pm #      
  2.    kareemw says:

    Your idea for what you want to do for your portfolio sounds very organized and well thought out. I really like the idea of you putting your best project first because that does dram your reader in and will keep them interested. Nice job, good luck!

    Posted April 15, 2009, 9:40 am #      

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