Karie’s English 207 Blog

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april fools day

uuhhhh……I think I did a pretty good job on my analysis.  I suppose my weaknesses would be my organization, because apparently mine wasn’t all that great, but I had people proof read mine and they didn’t seem confused at all.  So that made me confused.  My strengths were probably my examples and support for my reasonings because I felt like they made sense and proved my points.  Maybe if I chose a different PSA this assignment wouldn’t have been as difficult because I could have had more to work with.  Overall, I thought it was good though.

8 thoughts on “april fools day

  1.    hamlist says:

    It looks like you had the same problems I had, but mine had to with tranisitioning my ideas for the paper. I think that you did take good measures though in trying to fix the any mistakes you made by having other people proof read your paper.

    Posted April 1, 2009, 9:48 am #      
  2.    jross says:

    I got kind of confused too when you said people weren’t confused so it confused you! lol. Anyways, your strengths are very essential to the requirements for the paper, so i’m sure you did well. As far as your weakness, I had a little trouble with organization as well. What helped me was proof reading. You said you did that, so i’m guessing your analysis was good!

    Posted April 3, 2009, 12:15 am #      
  3.    amsiefk says:

    Sometimes it’s hard to keep a paper organized. It seems like your brain is going a mile a minute and you can only type so fast…it’s happened to me too! I guess after having people proof it there is only so much you can do. Remember there is always the revising option! Good luck!

    Posted April 3, 2009, 9:45 am #      
  4.    bcottri says:

    Organization is difficult, but you did pretty good with this essay on that aspect, Karie. Also, I think you’re right that you picked a difficult PSA (or potentially difficult) but you really did a nice job. Also, every time I’m at the store and see jellybeans I think of your PSA 🙂

    Posted April 4, 2009, 11:50 am #      

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