Karie’s English 207 Blog


I believe that only one of the readings had an actaul  thesis.  The other one just stated the issues.  They both clearly state the issues and purposes of their analysis.  In the George Bush one, the author says specifically what he needs to say to explain to his audience what is going on and for them to be able to relate to it. 

An introduction for a rhtorical analysis should include:

the author of the original thing you are analyzing, a brief description of the issues, who your target audience is, what the arguements may be, use of ethos, pathos, logos

One thought on “3/18

  1.    robharr says:

    I don’t know which one of the samples you were talking about when you said one of them has a thesis, but I agree that it looked like only the Bush sample had a thesis. I also agree with what you said an introduction should include. You listed everything that a good introduction needs.

    Posted March 18, 2009, 9:55 am #      

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