Karie’s English 207 Blog

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Part I:

A computer is definitely an important tool to have in school for many reasons.  First, without a computer, writing papers would be terrible.  It would take forever to edit then rewrite it for final drafts, it would make it hard to read for those of us with poor penmenship, and the teachers would have to grade, all the however many pages long papers, by hand.  Second, without comptuers, projects like the one we are assigned right now, making a video would be really hard because computers are a great way to edit and add effects to it.  Thirdly, research projects would be harder for some, because they would have to use all forms of printed research rather than online databases.  Sometimes that could be better or easier, but its usually much faster finding research online.

Part II:  Neighbor

Computers are very important tools in school.  Think about writing all your papers by hand.  First of all, that would just suck.  Second of all, editing them by hand then having to rewrite them however many times until it was free of errors, would take way longer than it would editing it on a computer.  Also, if you don’t have good handwriting, that would make editing it and for our teachers’ sake, grading it, ten times harder.  Also, think about research projects.  We use online databases to find almost all of our info. these days.  It is easier to work from home as well as search until you find a good one.  One more thing would be, if you have to create and edit videos, computers are the easiest way to do that effectively.

2 thoughts on “2/25

  1.    bcottri says:

    Nice work, Karie. Your audience revision demonstrates a familiarity with your audience that would probably not be the same if you were writing to a police officer or your grandparent, right? Your revision demonstrates a more relaxed tone but still gets the same point across. Awesome work. Keep it up!

    Posted February 25, 2009, 4:21 pm #      
  2.    yoderd says:

    I like what you have to say on this topic and I agree with what your saying. I think that your right when you say how important the computer has become in the classroom. THey most defiantly have become an essential part of the modern education system

    Posted March 2, 2009, 10:39 am #      

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