Karie’s English 207 Blog

homework 2/23

1.  message:  Eat bananas they are yellow

Audience:  people who think bananas are a useless fruit

medium:  video…for sure

2.  message:  Poach eggs not animals

audience:  poachers and  hunters

medium:  video

3.  message:  Don’t be a snail, use your email

audience: people who would rather send a letter or something that can be done faster through email.

medium:  radio…but video might be more fun

One thought on “homework 2/23

  1.    bcottri says:

    I like “don’t be a snail, use your email” – that’s hilarious! However, example 1 (bananas are yellow) is confusing – though I agree that video is clearly the only way to get that message across :). Nice list overall, even if not all of them would necessarily work for the assignment.

    Posted February 23, 2009, 11:55 am #      

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