Karie’s English 207 Blog

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Technology most likely plays a huge part in everyone’s life.  A lot of people watch t.v. in the morning to hear about the news or weather.  Also, almost everyone takes their cell phones with them when they leave the house.  ipods and mp3 players are another form of technology that you see a lot of people use throughout their day.  I’m sure almost everyone uses a computer or lap top at least once every day.  It’s a technological way of getting in contact with others or getting work done, or even just for something to do with your free time.  Techonolgy benefits others by making somethings easier to communicate with others or get a job done.  Potential threats of a cell phone, ipod, or computer could be that there are many malfunctions.  They could break or freeze up on you and it could ruin something you need or have been working on.  The role they have on literacy could be to communicate or to help better understand things.  Also, as forms of entertainment.

One thought on “2/18

  1.    yoderd says:

    I like that you focused primary on the positives of technology. I feel as if the world is growing more pessimistic and I feel that now more than ever we have to start looking at whats positive instead of whats negative about any given situation. We shouldn’t ignore the negative, but in this point in our history we have to take what we have to makes things better and I believe that many of the problems we face ion the future can and will be solved with technology, I guess when it all said and done technology is a doubled edged sward with its benefits and restrictions.

    Posted February 19, 2009, 4:45 pm #      

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