Karie’s English 207 Blog

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peer review

In the past, I have used peer review in English 112 and a little bit in Engligsh 111.  In 112, we had to do it for every paper we wrote.  We would get into groups of 4 or 5 and we had to read everyones and comment on them and everyone has to read ours.  I guess it helped because everyone got to give their input and it helped a little.  After the first couple times though everyone got bored of reading all the papers and just commented little things to get their points for the day.  In 111, we mostly just had the teacher review our paper and we would set up meetings with her.  This was even more helpful than our peers reading it because she gave a lot more advice and where we need to add things and where we need to omit things.  I personally don’t really like peer reviewing because I am not very good at constructive criticism.  I guess peer review can be good if we actaully take the time to read each others papers and actually try to comment and help them out.

One thought on “2/19

  1.    lpate says:

    I agree with teachers being more helpful than peers when it comes to reviewing our papers. I know in my 111 and 112 classes my peers got bored with reading all of the papers as well. I also think it is hard for someone to peer review if writing isn’t a strength of theirs in the first place!

    Posted February 18, 2009, 10:43 am #      

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