Karie’s English 207 Blog

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Activity 2

Considering what this article said for literacy development in general, I believe it is true.  Everything we say has been said before from someone else’s mouth.  Maybe not in the same context or exact same way we said it, but it has been said before.  We did not come up with the words or language we use today.  It has been here for years and years.  There has been old and new ways of saying things, and language is always changing and evolving.  This connects to my own literacy development because no matter what I say, technically, I am not the original one who made it up.  The way I see it, even if I say something differently than some one else, it has still been said in some other way before I’ve said it.  This does help my literacy development because I am able to come up with things to say, but it makes me feel like I am never coming up with anything original in my life.  It’s kind of weird actually.

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