Karie’s English 207 Blog

2/4 blog

1.  My parents, family members and my friends sponsor my literacy.  They are all very supportive with my education decisions and encourage me to do well in school.  Especially if they know I am having trouble in a class or taking a class I don’t like very much, they will encourage me to get through it and try my best.

2.  I would say my parents sponsored my literacy development because they are the ones who introduced me to everything before I went off to pre-school and kindergarten.  They taught me the first things you start to do in life; walk, talk, draw, etc.  Without them I would have been lost going into pre-school.

3.  Access played a huge part in my development as a literate person.  Without access to resources like my parents, books, games and toys, I would have never learned as quickly and as early as I was able to.

4.  There were not really competitions associated with my literacy development at first, because my brother and sister are older than I am so there wasn’t all that much competition between us when we look at first learning how to walk and read and stuff. 

5.  I think that if I had good experiences in school growing up, then what I learned during those years would have stuck with me and influenced me more so than if I didn’t enjoy or had bad experiences with teachers or classes.  I know this is true because there have been a few select teachers I’ve had and schools I’ve attended growing up, that I disliked and had terrible experiences with and I don’t remember much from those years because the fact that I didn’t like them.  On the other hand, I have had great experiences with other teachers and classes and that reflects what i’ve both learned and remembered in the long run.

One thought on “2/4 blog

  1.    bcottri says:

    So can you think of specific examples that might help explain how you go to the point you are? Do you remember a specific event, person, book, assignment, location, etc? These are just some things to think about as you continue working.

    Posted February 8, 2009, 7:46 pm #      

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