Karie’s English 207 Blog

Visual Narrative feedback response

After talking with my writing group and listening to what they are all doing for their projects, we all have similar ideas.  We all have similar ways we use literacy throughout our day to day lives and our visual narratives will reflect that.  I am going to use a posterboard display to show how I began to use different forms of literacy and up to how I use literacy now.  Using mostly magazine cut outs and maybe some pictures from the internet, I hope to be able to show everyone what literacy means to me.  As well as, how I began using literacy more and more in my everyday life.  I don’t want this just to show that I can read and communicate with others because that is obviously apparent.  I want to show that I use literacy for almost everything in my life.  You need literacy to do almost everything in life.  Without it who knows where we would be right now.  Reading is something that I came to enjoy in my teenage years.  I never really like to read, but after chosing one book to read on my own and being able to read whatever I wanted, made me love reaidng.  Now I somewhat like to write also.  Literacy is very important in my life.  Without it, I wouldn’t be able to do many of the things I enjoy doing, or that help me communicate with others.  I hope that my ideas I have, are reflected just as well in my visual literacy narrative.

One thought on “Visual Narrative feedback response

  1.    bcottri says:

    I like how you want to show that literacy is more than just reading and writing and that it’s important your everyday life, Karie. I’m excited to see how your project comes together. Let me know if I can help or if you have any questions.

    Posted February 1, 2009, 10:37 am #      

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