Karie’s English 207 Blog

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I expect from  this class to learn how to write better.  It seems like there are a lot of papers to write and I honestly am not looking forward to it.  Literacy is being able to do the actual reading but also comprehend what you are reading and understand it.  I think we write to entertain and inform.  Also some people write for pleasure because it is something they enjoy doing.

One thought on “1/14

  1.    bcottri says:


    I’m sorry you’re not looking forward to writing all of the assignments. I hope once we get working you’ll feel a bit different. I understand feeling overwhelmed, but if you look at the syllabus you’ll see that we will use class time to work on projects so you won’t just be expected to do everything on your own. Also, as I’ve tried to stress in class, not all of the assignments are going to be traditional essays so hopefully that will help you a bit too.

    In your response here you’ve done a great job at pointing out something very important about literacy. Is it enough to be able to read or does one have to also be able to understand to be literate? I wonder what role you see writing plays in literacy also.

    I do look forward to working with you this semester. Nice work so far!

    Posted January 15, 2009, 6:14 pm #      

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