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Unit 3 was a unit that was a unit that was very helpful to me. Unit 3 required me to think about all of my skills and qualifications that I possess that would qualify for me certain jobs. This unit let me observe my past experiences and skills through putting them on a resume as well as a cover letter. I also found a job posting for a Marketing Rep II at Amerigroup Corporation in New York City, The job posting is described which is followed by my resume cover letter, and then my resume. Unit 3 also made me take one of those literacies from my resume and think about how I use that literacy professionally now and how it will help me in the future.  That literacy is my ability to use my verbal communication skills to talk to different people in different situations. My explanation of how I use my literacy is explained and is followed by pictures of how I demonstrate my literacy.


Job Posting Description for Marketing Rep II at Amerigroup Corporation:

The position for a Marketing Rep II requires the employee to go to different locations in order to promote different products for their company that help with health care. Along with promoting products, this job requires the employee to initiate conversation and speak to different groups of people about health care and why it is important. The job just doesn’t require out of the office work , but employees also work inside the office to work on projects to promote future products. The qualifications for this position are a bachelor’s degree and someone with good communication skills.



****My Resume Cover Letter****




****My resume****



Resume and Cover Letter Reflection

When writing my resume and cover letter, my main goal was to reach out to reach out to a potential future employer in order to let them know that I am qualified for a job that they are offering. I was trying to let this person know that I aware  of the Marketing Rep job that they have available and what is required of that employee. The main purpose of my cover letter and resume is to show that I do indeed meet those qualifications, and I also have more to offer. I mainly showed this through my education section showing that I will have a degree in communications and health promotions, as well as courses that I have taken which have prepared me for that position. This is important because the position asks for just a bachelor’s degree, but I also have a minor in the field in which the job is focused on. I also listed past jobs that I feel have also given me experience which can help prepare me for this position. For example, I listed a job I had as a customer service representative and telemarketer. I feel like this was important to point out because it is similar to the desired position because of the duties I had to perform which shows that I am capable of being good at this position.

From doing the resume activity, I learned that it is important to focus on the most important elements that an employer will look for when looking over a resume. I learned not to waste time or space by listing irrelevant information such as old activities fom high school for example. I also learned that it is alwasy important to have a clear objective, education, and qualifications. Overall, I would say that I learned to look at all my accomplishments and wrap them up briefly into a page overview of what I have done and how that can make me a better candidate for any position I am interested in.



****Re-Seeing Literacy Assignment****





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