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I think revision is going over something, specifically a paper or assignment. Revision is going back and making changes to make sure that everything is how you want it to be. In other words, I think revision is like proofreading, checking everything before you turn it in. I ususally conduct revision through reading my work over carefully checking for spelling and grammar errors. Including repeated words and punctuation. I revise because I dont want to turn in something that looks or sounds bad, everything must be presented in a well organized way. Usually people that revise are the author of the documents being revised or even a friend, classmate, or teacher. I usually like others to revise my work because they will catch more mistakes and give an opinion.

March 30th, 2009 at 9:39 am | Comments & Trackbacks (10) | Permalink

Since I did not have a rough draft on Wednesday, I didnt do the peer review. Instead I had to come up with a way to analyze my PSA aand think of how to put everything in writing. I finally came up with a thesis after receiving help. Because of this I was able to think more about what I wanted and could do with my PSA analysis. I figured out that my main points that I will focus on are the complexity of the PSA and the variety of children that are speaking in the PSA. After receiving help on my analysis, and thesis, in class I will 1.) Work on applying my thesis to my entire paper 2.) Work on analyzing the audience and 3.) Try to work on my main paragraphs about the complexity of the PSA.

March 27th, 2009 at 9:43 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

I am having alot of problems and trouble writing my rhetorical analysis. I dont really having any specific questions, but I am not sure what to focus on for my analysis or what I can use that has the most information. I really dont know what to inlcude in my thesis just yet. I know that there is a lot that I can do with the analysis for this PSA, but I am really having a hard time finding the most important factors in the PSA. I know who the audience is, and how the author went about getting the message out, and why the author did so, but i need to figure out how to dig deeper into the PSA, besides the obvious.

March 25th, 2009 at 9:34 am | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink

“Tolerance PSA: “Dear Parents.” 17 October 2007. YouTube. Video. 18 March 2009     <>.

March 23rd, 2009 at 9:55 am | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink

-discussion of rhetorical appeals

-discussion of clear audience for the PSA

-message is clearly explained

-analysis include detail of PSA, including delivery and the autthor’s credibility

-analysis gives detailed information of topic of PSA, and the creator of the PSA

-clear summary of ENTIRE PSA

-analysis has clear thesis statement

-analysis address possible limitations of PSA

March 23rd, 2009 at 9:38 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

The PSA I chose is a tolerance PSA called “Dear Parents.” This PSA is one in which there are various types of children who are speaking to thier parents asking them of many requests. The child are aksing their parents to teach them certain things, such as not to use bad language, as well as asking the parents to serve as good role models. I like this PSA because I think this is a very effective way to reach out to parents, by having their own children talk to them. I also feel as though this is a very important topic.

March 18th, 2009 at 10:17 am | Comments & Trackbacks (19) | Permalink

Of the different samples of rhetorical analysis, I noticed that all of the introductions did exactly what they are suppossed to do, which is introduce what they are going to be discussing further in the paper. Each introduction told the reader what piece of writing they would be analyzing, the author of the piece, and where and when the piece was published. The analyses all gave a brief overview of the book or article, and gave us an idea of the author’s point of the piece as well as the subjecct matter of the piece.

After reading these, I think this means a good intro for an analysis should introduce what you will be writing about, including title, author, and date. The intro should also include the main point or subject of the book or article.

March 18th, 2009 at 9:42 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Over spring break, I went back home to Cleveland. I didnt really do anything exciting. I worked a few days at Bob Evans, spent time with my boyfriend and friends, and visited family. I also went to my cousins high school play of Cinderella. Most of my spring break i slept alot which was the best part, because I really needed it. My favorite part of spring break was getting my tattoo in memory of grandmother. My spring break wasnt as exciting as some others’ by going out of town, or to a beach, but i definitely enjoyed it

March 16th, 2009 at 9:38 am | Comments & Trackbacks (2) | Permalink

I haven’t really had much experience with portfolios except with english 111 and 112. I think the importancce of portfolios is to organize all of your work and to be able to look back at your past work and go back and make any corrections. I also think portfolios are also convenient when you want to show all of your work to someone, to show them what you can do. And you can show what you are capable of doing. I am sure there is more, but since i dont have alot of experience, i’m not sure.

March 6th, 2009 at 10:38 am | Comments & Trackbacks (3) | Permalink

Our PSA relates to literacy because in the PSA we are focusing on the use of the computer and being on the internet. Our PSA shows a girl being on the internet and typing. This is a literacy because earlier in the class, we talked about the different types of literacy and talked about how technology is an example, with computers. Our PSA also showed literacy because we had to write a script in the process and a storyboard, which are definitely acts of literacy.

March 4th, 2009 at 10:35 am | Comments & Trackbacks (2) | Permalink