Another amazing bgsu blog

As of this point, our group has not filmed yet due to time conflict amongst group members. But we are meeting to do so. So far, we have done our storyboards, and decided which one we are going t use. We have also worked on our script. We just have to do the actual recording and finish our audience analysis. Our PSA plan is already thought, out we just have to put everything together.

March 2nd, 2009 at 10:35 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

1.) How do the actors portray the message?

In this PSA, the actors act in a way that really reaches out to the audience in which the audience really get a feel of the situation. By the student actors walking around talking about girl in the picture, it shows you what could happen if you post pictures on the internet, that anyone can have them.  The girl who is in the picture gives an idea of how you can feel as a result.

2.) What persuasive techniques are used in the video?

The video uses persuasion by actually showing us the negative thoughts and feelings of the situation that would convince the audience not to do what is being shown.

3.) What role does the voiceover play? 

The voice in the PSA verbally tells us what not to do, and gives a clear statement as to the effects that can occur. The voice also serves as a final message that leaves you thinking.

4.) How is text used on the screen? 

The text on the screen is composed of short and simple, but very important words that are on the screen by themselves to show importance.


February 26th, 2009 at 4:05 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink

Part I:

I think a computer is an important tool in school because it is very cconvenient to have when doing projects or reports. Computers allow us to find information online with just the click of a mouse on the internet. This helps with research papers as well as finding information that may be needed for something else during school. Computers also allow us to produce information in an easier and quicker way such as printing and emailing papers and homework assignments. BUT sometimes computers are not always good to have in school because alot of students get distracted from their work and start surfing the web, like getting onto facebook and myspace instead of doing what they are supposed to. But overall, I think computers are good to have in school.

Part II:

Audience: Your boss—Computers are important because they can help students receive computer training, and learn how to use computers through typing skills, knowing how to the use the internet, and many other skills. This is important for school because they can learn how to do this at an early stage, which means in the future when they go to apply for a job, they can have proper skills needed for a certain job that might involve a computer.

February 25th, 2009 at 10:39 am | Comments & Trackbacks (8) | Permalink

Topic #1

Message: The Dangers of Children on the Internet (Predators, pornographic sites, etc.)

Audience: Parents, children

Medium: Video

Topic #2

Message: Preventing Teen Pregnancy Rates

Audience: Teenage girls, and guys, parents of teens

Medium: Video

Topic #3

Message: Quit Bad Smoking Habit

Audience: Smokers, friends and families of smokers

Medium: Video

February 25th, 2009 at 12:23 am | Comments & Trackbacks (11) | Permalink

There were a few facts that really stuck out to me in different sections…

Children and Literacy:

I thought that more than 1 out of 17 seventeen year olds would be able to read as well as retain information.  I also thought that the average reading scores for 9 year olds would have continued to increase because I thought most 9 year olds enjoyed reading and did a good job. I wasnt really surprised that not even half of parents dont read to their kids because these days, not alot of parents have time to do so.

Adults and Literacy:

This section definitely surprised me probably the most because i had no idea there were so many illiterate adults, especially women.

Crime and Literacy:

I was expecting the rates of prison inmates to be higher with the less educationt they had received as the statistics show, but I thought that the numbers would have been alot higher than what they were for inmates with some high school education, and 8th grade or less

February 25th, 2009 at 12:04 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Technology definitely plays a major role in my life. I think technology plays a major role in alot of people’s lives, especially more now in 2009. I use technology everyday, by using my cell phone, my bluetooth, using a computer, and many other things. I see other people around me using technology in the same way that I do. The most that I see being used is people talking or texting on cell phones, as well as using the computer.  Technology has came a long way over the years. Technology allows us to do alot more things with less work than we used to be able to do. Technology allows us to send things to people far from us with the matter of pushing the “send” key. We are also able to share pictures with anyone we want to without having to get pictures developed from a disposable camera, as well as alter these pictures however we want them. These are just a few of the MANY advantages to having new technologies, but technologies have their disadvantages. Not everyone knows how to use new technologies, and in situations where technology is important, that person might not be able to perform certain tasks. Technology can also be troublesome because some of these technologies are not as easy to fix when thing go wrong like they used to be. Technology has an influence on literacy because through technology, we can learn how to understand new things, which can be done through reading or writing.

February 24th, 2009 at 11:44 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

I have had several experiences in the past in which I have participated in peer reviews or peer workshops. I have given a review for someone else as well as received a review from a classmate. Something that I have not liked in the past about peer reviews is the fact that some peers don’t know how to accept constructive criticism, and always think what they do or want is right. Some people are not open to new ideas and don’t care or want to hear what others have to say, when you are just trying to help them. But I do like peer reviews and workshops because I think that theyare very helpful. Peer reviews have helped me do better on projects and assignments as well as give me ideas when I didn’t have a clue of what to do. I think having a classmate or peer tell you what they think or like helps you decide on what you should for a project or assignment, because you gt someone else’s opinion that isn’t your own.

February 24th, 2009 at 11:31 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

Description is important, especially when writing because it helps your audience get a better understanding of what it is that you are talking about. When you descibe something, you can get an idea or even an image of what is being talked  about which better helps you. If using good descriptions, your audience can figure out what it is you are describing, if it is not clear in the beginning. Good descriptions can include colors, shapes, sizes, and many other things. You can use these to describe people, places, objects, and any other things that can be described.

February 24th, 2009 at 11:21 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink

I think the criteria for a good public service announcement would include:

-Getting the proper message out to your audience

-Delivering the message in an organized way

-Catches and keeps the audiences attention



-Motivates the audience

-Persuasive (depending on what kind of PSA you are doing)

February 23rd, 2009 at 10:38 am | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink

1.)Pathos is basically appealing to your audience based on the audience’s interests, feelings and emotions. Pathos also try to look deeper into and change the audience’s emotions and thoughts.

2.)The online advertisement I found that uses pathos is an advertisement for Heineken, promoting sfae and responsible drinking. The advertisement starts with making the visitor of the site eneter their age to prove  that they are old enough. Once that is done, the advertisement shows you different scenarios and situation that happen when people drink too much alcohol and become intoxicated. The advertisement shows situations that no one would want to be in. By doing this the company is trying to get you to feel pity on these intoxicated people so that you wont do the same. Therefore, this advertisement is using pathos because they are getting to the viewers feelings and emotions.


3.)Of the sample narratives, I found the use of Pathos in Alexie’s narrative, “Indian Education”. In this narrative we see pathos being used when Alexie describes how the other Indian boys used to chase him. One of the quotes from the narrative says, “they pushed me down, buried me in the snow unitl I couldn’t breathe, thought I’d never breathe again.” This quote is an example of pathos because the narrator is telling us a story in which he is appealing to us in such a way that we feel sorry for the character, which is therefore affecting our feelings, attitudes, and emotions of the story.

February 10th, 2009 at 1:30 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (3) | Permalink