Another amazing bgsu blog

I think blogs have been very useful for this class for certain assignments. The blogs were helpful when asking question and getting feedback alot quicker. Blogs also helped in thinking about assignments prior to starting them. By blogging on assignments and reflections, it made me think more about what I was doing.  I would not mind using blogs in another class, as long as it was helpful, I wouldnt want to blog for no reason. Blogging this semester was also something new to me seeing as I had never done it before, after this class, I probably will not blog just because it’s not something I prefer to do. But overal in this class blogging was very helpful.

April 24th, 2009 at 9:36 am | Comments & Trackbacks (6) | Permalink

1.) How I can explain more in detail how my skill is in fact a literacy?

2.) Will having pictures in different setting help demonstrate my literacy?

3.) Does my explanation of my litercay show how it is different from other skills or literacies?

4.) How can I expand on my literacy to make it more detailed and longer?

5.) What can I do to make my final project better?

April 20th, 2009 at 7:30 pm | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink

I think it is important for me to demonstrate my literacy of having good verbal communication skills because this is something that not everyone can do or possess. I also think it is important for me to reflect on this because I never really knew it’s importance until doing so. I have realized how much of a big role this skill plays in my life and how much I use it.  This activity will also show others how I demonstrate my literacy just in case they dont understand it.

April 20th, 2009 at 9:38 am | Comments & Trackbacks (14) | Permalink

1.) For my final project i am going to focus on verbal communication literacy because I feel it has the strongest impact on my life now and it will be beneficical in the future for me professionally.

2.) This is a literacy because it requires learning how to understand people and knowing how to communicate with different people in the right way. This is a literacy because it involves learning how to do something and understanding that skill so that I can apply it.

3.) Explain how you use/practice/demonstrate this literacy in your life right now? I practice this literacy right now on a regular basis when I am at work I have to be more professional and greet and talk to customers how they expect to be treated. Then I adjust to speaking differently with my coworkers where I dont have to be as formal but still appropriate. I show my adjustments of verbal commmunication skills through the various activites and people I am around throughout a day.

4.)  Explain how this literacy might be used by others in their personal/professional lives. Others might use this personally when meeting new people or making friends with someone when they have to know what to say to someone they just met opposed to someone they already know. Professionally, others might use this skill when knowing how to communicate with a future employer or knowing how to communicate with customers for the job that they work for.

5.) What does this literacy do that the others do not? This literacy actually challenges me to use a skill that I would use the most. The other literacies are literacies that are sometimes only necessary at certain times, but verbally communicating with people is something that I do everyday, and is going to be a major part of the job that I desire.

6.) I plan to demonstrate my literacy by explaining the different groups of people that i come into contact with everyday and showing how I use my verbal communication skills to adjust to those people and how I talk to them.

7.) WHat questions do you have about this project? None

8.) Chronological list of steps: give more detailed reason why this is a literacy; think of what groups to compare and contrast; show the difference of communicating with each group; Timeline: have everything planned out a few days before rough draft date.

April 17th, 2009 at 9:58 am | Comments & Trackbacks (4) | Permalink

After being in this class, i have a much more open view and idea of what literacy is. I walked into this classroom first thinking that literacy was just the idea of learning and being able to read and write, more so involved with books. But now i know that literacy is more than just books and papers. I know that literacy can be used with technology for example, cell phones, computers, etc. Literacy also doesnt necessarily mean jus reading and reading, but is also the concept of understanding how to do something. I’ve realized that literacy comes in many different forms and not everyone has the same literacies, and people can possess more than one literacy at a time, and we use these literacies everyday in life.

April 15th, 2009 at 9:38 am | Comments & Trackbacks (3) | Permalink

1. In my reflective introduction to my portfolio i will include a brief overview of what everything is that will be in my portfolio. I will inlcude the class and the sujects of each unit, and how each project was different.

2. The first thing I want my reader to see is something about my portfolio that will grab their attention and make them want to read it.

3. I want my page to be setup in a way that each unit has its on page or tab, and all the projects from that unit will be included on that page. I will put the projects in order of which they were turned in. Also i will have my intro for each unit at the very beginning of each page for each unit.

4. I think I will probably do a traditional paper in order to introduce myself just because it is something quick and easy that I actually know how to do (besides powerpoint) unlike podcasts.

April 13th, 2009 at 9:47 am | Comments & Trackbacks (5) | Permalink

After reading my feedback and reading other resumes, I realized that I need to be more consistent with my punctuation on bulleted points, and remember to sign my cover letter.  Also my intro paragraph to my cover letter should be a little more stronger. The main thing that was pointed out with my resume was my spacing which i did not notice. There was starnge spacing between my words that i was not aware of. These are all things that I will go back and change to fix so that my resume will be better.

April 8th, 2009 at 10:18 am | Comments & Trackbacks (4) | Permalink

The ad i have is for a position as a marketing representative. This is important because this person markets products offered of the company and talks to the general public about the importance of healthcare and healthcare services. This is also important because there are alot of people without healthcare and this ad is letting us know that they need more people to go out and promote the services and products offered. I will meet this through already having taking communication classes on how to speak to different people, and by taking courses in helth promotions to educate me more about the subject.

The compnay reaches out to potnetial members in designated service areas. The deisred qualifications and skills include associates or bachelor’s degree, experience with excel and word, years of experience, and technical skills. The company values its customers and future  customers, and letting them know what they can get from the company. I think keywords include healthcare, marketing, and services.

April 6th, 2009 at 9:42 am | Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink

I think a resume is an overview of your personal experiences, qualities, skills and eduacational background. I think resumes help showcase all of this in order to apply for a job, and show employers what you can do and how you qualify for a job. I have had a lot of information on how to write and create resumes from other classes. I do already have a resume which I just made not too long ago, so it is very up to date, but i do think that it could use some more work.

April 3rd, 2009 at 9:33 am | Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink

After completing and turning in my rhetorical analysis, I think I did a good job with detail of my audience and explaining the author’s logic behind why they made the choices that they did for the PSA. But, I think if I had more time to do my analysis, I would try to include more information and look more into other decisions that the author made. I feel like there may hae been information that could have added. But at the same time, I think I did well on how much information I had because on what I wrote in my thesis and other info might have been unecessary. Therefore, I think I did an okay job on my analysis, and I did well on connecting my thesis to the rest of my paper.

April 1st, 2009 at 9:38 am | Comments & Trackbacks (596) | Permalink