Another amazing bgsu blog

I believe we use visuals in order to help our audience understand more clearly what it is that we are trying to tell them about, as well as give a picture to help with a better idea.

I think visuals have a very important role in communication because sometimes everyone doesnt always understand what someone is trying to say but most of the time when people see visuals, it makes everything alot more clear. Therefore, I think visuals help improve communication.

I thinkĀ visuals are important with my education because i tend to remember things when i see them such as graphs or pictures,or even if something is just written on the board, it helps me when learning. Visuals are important in my daily life because anywhere you go you will see some kind of visual with maybe instructions on it telling you how to do something or what to do. Visuals are also important for my future career mostly for the same reason depending on what kind of job i will have.

Posted by on January 23rd, 2009 at 10:43 am

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