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For my visual narrative i will more than likely be doing a powerpoint presentaiton or using windows movie maker. I am still deciding between doing my narative on literacies at the workplace, or the literacies that i experience throughout my normal week. If I do literacies throughout my normal week, I will include pictures of texting, writing emails, doing homework, maybe writing out checks for bills, and writing papers. I will also still include the literacies i use at work at Bob Evans, which include reading and writing out orders for customers. if i choose to do my narrative on workplace literacies, I will focus mainly on my current job, and talk about literacies in past jobs, and literacies i will use and need in the future.

Posted by on January 30th, 2009 at 10:39 am

5 thoughts on “Summary of Visual Narrative-1/30

  1. 1
      bcottri says:

    As I’ve said before, I think either one of these is a good focus. It seems like now you just need to decide on which one to focus on. Let me know if I can help you make this decision in any way.

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