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1.) For my final project i am going to focus on verbal communication literacy because I feel it has the strongest impact on my life now and it will be beneficical in the future for me professionally.

2.) This is a literacy because it requires learning how to understand people and knowing how to communicate with different people in the right way. This is a literacy because it involves learning how to do something and understanding that skill so that I can apply it.

3.) Explain how you use/practice/demonstrate this literacy in your life right now? I practice this literacy right now on a regular basis when I am at work I have to be more professional and greet and talk to customers how they expect to be treated. Then I adjust to speaking differently with my coworkers where I dont have to be as formal but still appropriate. I show my adjustments of verbal commmunication skills through the various activites and people I am around throughout a day.

4.)  Explain how this literacy might be used by others in their personal/professional lives. Others might use this personally when meeting new people or making friends with someone when they have to know what to say to someone they just met opposed to someone they already know. Professionally, others might use this skill when knowing how to communicate with a future employer or knowing how to communicate with customers for the job that they work for.

5.) What does this literacy do that the others do not? This literacy actually challenges me to use a skill that I would use the most. The other literacies are literacies that are sometimes only necessary at certain times, but verbally communicating with people is something that I do everyday, and is going to be a major part of the job that I desire.

6.) I plan to demonstrate my literacy by explaining the different groups of people that i come into contact with everyday and showing how I use my verbal communication skills to adjust to those people and how I talk to them.

7.) WHat questions do you have about this project? None

8.) Chronological list of steps: give more detailed reason why this is a literacy; think of what groups to compare and contrast; show the difference of communicating with each group; Timeline: have everything planned out a few days before rough draft date.

Posted by on April 17th, 2009 at 9:58 am

4 thoughts on “Project Proposal-4/17

  1. 1
      bcottri says:


    This sounds pretty good. Keep in mind that when you demonstrate this literacy you will want to physically show how you use this in some way. So you might take pictures to demonstrate this literacy, might use a video to demonstrate this literacy, or something else. Then you will write your reflective paper about this.

    Let me know if you have any questions. Great work.

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