Another amazing bgsu blog

After reading my feedback and reading other resumes, I realized that I need to be more consistent with my punctuation on bulleted points, and remember to sign my cover letter.  Also my intro paragraph to my cover letter should be a little more stronger. The main thing that was pointed out with my resume was my spacing which i did not notice. There was starnge spacing between my words that i was not aware of. These are all things that I will go back and change to fix so that my resume will be better.

Posted by on April 8th, 2009 at 10:18 am

4 thoughts on “Resume Revision-4/8

  1. 1
      amsiefk says:

    I also forgot to sign my cover letters! I think it was becasue I printed them out in this lab right before we turned them in…at least it’s not a big issue to correct, right? Sometimes I also have trouble with consistancy in spacing and punctuation. My general rule is if it’s something I don’t normally do, don’t so it! I will more than likely forget to follow through with the rest of the document. Maybe this will help you out with the rest of your project. Good luck!

  2. 3
      alyon says:


    It sounds like a big chunk of what you have to change is an easy/quick fix! Chaning format can be frustrating (especially with the new word) but it can be done and doesn’t require alot of energy. I’m glad all you have to do is change format and spacing… Luck you!

  3. 5
      kmayorn says:

    One of the first times I made a resume I had a lot of trouble keeping the tabs and spacing neat and in line. If you use microsoft word’s resume wizard it helps a lot. Sometimes its still weird on how the spacing works out. It is important for everything to be spaced evenly and in line so it looks good, if not it may appear that you are unorganized, which you do not want. Good luck with the rest of it!

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