Another amazing bgsu blog

The ad i have is for a position as a marketing representative. This is important because this person markets products offered of the company and talks to the general public about the importance of healthcare and healthcare services. This is also important because there are alot of people without healthcare and this ad is letting us know that they need more people to go out and promote the services and products offered. I will meet this through already having taking communication classes on how to speak to different people, and by taking courses in helth promotions to educate me more about the subject.

The compnay reaches out to potnetial members in designated service areas. The deisred qualifications and skills include associates or bachelor’s degree, experience with excel and word, years of experience, and technical skills. The company values its customers and futureĀ  customers, and letting them know what they can get from the company. I think keywords include healthcare, marketing, and services.

Posted by on April 6th, 2009 at 9:42 am

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