Another amazing bgsu blog

After completing and turning in my rhetorical analysis, I think I did a good job with detail of my audience and explaining the author’s logic behind why they made the choices that they did for the PSA. But, I think if I had more time to do my analysis, I would try to include more information and look more into other decisions that the author made. I feel like there may hae been information that could have added. But at the same time, I think I did well on how much information I had because on what I wrote in my thesis and other info might have been unecessary. Therefore, I think I did an okay job on my analysis, and I did well on connecting my thesis to the rest of my paper.

Posted by on April 1st, 2009 at 9:38 am

596 thoughts on “Strengths and Weaknesses of Rhetorical Analysis-4/1

  1. 1
      yoderd says:

    I feel the same way about my paper defiantly could have gone in to more detail regarding the creator logic. i felt that i had a very strong introduction also, but it hard to think about the things you did wrong before getting our assignment back

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