Another amazing bgsu blog

The PSA I chose is a tolerance PSA called “Dear Parents.” This PSA is one in which there are various types of children who are speaking to thier parents asking them of many requests. The child are aksing their parents to teach them certain things, such as not to use bad language, as well as asking the parents to serve as good role models. I like this PSA because I think this is a very effective way to reach out to parents, by having their own children talk to them. I also feel as though this is a very important topic.

Posted by on March 18th, 2009 at 10:17 am

19 thoughts on “Rhetorical Analysis PSA

  1. 1
      bcottri says:

    That’s a powerful PSA, Kareema! I think this will make for an interesting rhetorical analysis.

  2. 3
      odolch says:

    CUTE! I don’t think parents quite realize what and important role they play in their childrens lives, as far as what values and morals they will hold. This PSA makes it clear that their chilren are listening and parents need to continue to be pro-active in teaching their children appropriately.

  3. 5
      kowalsa says:

    I think this is a touching PSA. All too often people criticize other people for how they are raising their children; not even realizing that the way they are behaving in front of their own children are causing future problems. I find a message from a child much more impactful and I think you do too which could be why you chose this video. Great job!

  4. 7
      alanaj says:

    This PSA is interesting. The power parents have to be role models to their children is important to consider as a PSA message. I think your rhetorical analysis will be useful to future parents as well as those who already moms and dads.

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