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Currently browsing posts found in March2009

The PSA I chose is a tolerance PSA called “Dear Parents.” This PSA is one in which there are various types of children who are speaking to thier parents asking them of many requests. The child are aksing their parents to teach them certain things, such as not to use bad language, as well as […]

Posted at: March 18th, 2009 - 10:17 am - Number of Comments » 19

Of the different samples of rhetorical analysis, I noticed that all of the introductions did exactly what they are suppossed to do, which is introduce what they are going to be discussing further in the paper. Each introduction told the reader what piece of writing they would be analyzing, the author of the piece, and […]

Posted at: March 18th, 2009 - 9:42 am - Number of Comments » 0